Monday, October 10, 2011

Kerr Well Pad at Night: Susquehanna County

Do you want to see what fracking operations really look like?
The workers tried to get Vera, the videographer, to stop filming, told her she couldn't because they didn't want negative media. She was standing by the side of a public road, and was not trespassing.

Taken at night at 10:15 on 10-8-11. Lots of smoke and hellish scene and sounds.


1 comment:

smurfette said...

Go, Vera, indeed!Is she the one who taped the mud blow-outs at the creek? Boy! Talk about a picture saying 1000 words! Can you imagine the reverb in the valley of that whining drill? And the smoke! What the heck IS that smoke? I wish they had answered her about that.